Youth Programs
The Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (HISSAR) provides Hawaii’s young people with patriotic opportunities for accomplishment, self-development, scholarship, and community service through various programs. Below are descriptions of some of these programs with links to our national web site.
If you have questions or wish to sponsor one of these worthy programs in Hawaii please contact us! Your interest and support is welcomed. See other youth contests and awards at the website.
Here are 3 examples you will find on that main SAR page which Hawaii SAR has featured:
George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest
Originally named in honor of SAR Compatriot President Calvin Coolidge (who won an SAR contest while studying at Amherst College), it was renamed in 1995 to honor of George S. and Stella M. Knight’s philanthropic bequest to the Sons of the American Revolution to support this contest. It remains today as an opportunity for students to explore events that have shaped the history of the United States of America.
- 1st Place winner – $5,000.00 (plus $500 travel expesne and hotel)
- 2nd Place – $2,500.00
- 3rd Place – $1,000.00
Arthur M. and Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship
This scholarship is open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently actively registered and have not reached their 19th birthday. (The application year is the calendar year, January 1 to December 31)
On the National level cash scholarship awards are given as follows:
- National First Place winner – $10,000.00
You may apply more than one year if you meet the age requirements but no more than $10,000.00 total may be granted to any one Eagle Scout. Prizes and other recognitions are awarded at the SAR State level.
Current HISSAR Eagle Scout contact is
The Hawaii society awards a special certificate to each Eagle Scout whose troop so requests. Contact

The Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution awards the ROTC medal to advance the tradition of citizen-soldiers that was exemplified by Minutemen in the Revolutionary War.
The United States Army, the United States Navy, the United States Marine Corps, and the United States Air Force approve the SAR ROTC Medal. Each service has notified its ROTC and JROTC units of this approval and has authorized presentation to its cadets or midshipmen.
A Chapter, a State Society, or the National Society presents the Enhanced JROTC Award to ROTC or JROTC cadets who are selected for having a high degree of merit with respect to leadership qualities, military bearing and general excellence. The recipients are selected by the Commanding Officer of the ROTC or JROTC unit, who should be given full latitude in making the selection.
Hawaii Society currently presents 26 ROTC/JROTC awards and all Hawaii High Schools programs on all Islands and 2 ROTC awards at University of Hawaii level.
Please refer to our National SAR web site for further details or contact the Hawaii SAR for further information.
JROTC is part of a network of voluntary programs sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high schools across America training high school students in areas of character education, leadership skills, and military sciences.
For more information, please visit the Sons of the American Revolution JROTC Page.
“The Stamp Act, enforced taxation without representation, and the Boston Post Bill were steps by which the advance was made through a period of ten years toward revolution, and when with Lexington and Concord, the shot was fired, heard round the world the war was actually begun. All hesitation was now abandoned, and a Congress was called together for the purpose of deciding the future of the oppressed American colonies.”
G. W. Woods, Surgeon, from an Address delivered at the American Centennial Celebration at the Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu
Source: The Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu: July 8, 1876.